What are the rules for entering or leaving Spain if you are carrying €10,000 or more?
Can you enter or leave Spain with any amount of money as a private individual?
No. A statement of payment means must be made S-1 (Medios de Pago)
Those individuals travelling with such amounts of money are obliged to present a declaration as detailed below. This applies to all domestic persons whether acting for themselves or as a third party and carry out the following movements:
a) Exit or entry into a Spanish territory for an amount equal to or greater than 10,000 euros or its counter value in foreign currency.
b) Movements around Spain or Spanish territories with an amount equal to or greater than 100,000 euros or its counter value in foreign currency.
Movement shall mean any change of place or position that occurs outside the home of the holder of the means of payment.
Exemption from the obligation to file a declaration are persons acting on behalf of companies authorized and registered by the Ministry of Interior or those who carry out activities of professional transportation of funds or payments.
The declaration submitted will be valid to make a single movement of physical funds (cash) on the declared date. Throughout the movement the money must be accompanied by this declaration and be transported by the person who appears as a bearer on the said documentation.
If you have any Spanish legal questions or are confused about the law in Spain and regulations on things like ‘how much cash can you legally carry in Spain’, please use the form to schedule a FREE consultation with us.
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